FPG - Power BI (Part 2)

Date : Tuesday, 18 Oct 2022

Venue : Online via Zoom

Event Topic:

Power BI Dashboard Reporting (Part 2)

Event Date and Time:

Tuesday, 18 October 2022 from 6pm to 8pm

We have swapped the FPG session to 18 October 2022 from 25 October 2022 as the face-to-face facility at CPA Australia is not available on 18 October.

In the 18 October 2022, FPG session, we will continue from our last session of the Power series where CA Sundeep Vanjara will demonstrate the capabilities of Power BI through examples for reporting dashboards.

Please join us on 18 October for the concluding session on Power BI.


CA Sundeep Vanjara is a prolific member of the Chapter and is passionate about sharing knowledge on finance reporting tools and IFRS. Sundeep has been a core presenter for modern finance productivity tools and has shared valuable insights in his past presentation which have received an overwhelming response from members.

Please join Sundeep in the next session of Finance Productivity Group where Sundeep will bring together the learnings on Power BI from the last session of September 2022.
