Australian Budget Insights

Date : Tuesday, 12 Apr 2022

Venue : Online via Zoom

Event Details:

Speaker: Susan Franks

Senior Tax Advocate

Date: Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Time: 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Event Type: Online only via Zoom

About Susan Franks

Susan is an experienced policy adviser and commentator, providing insights to government entities and political stakeholders to help shape tax policy and administration and strengthen the voice of the accounting profession. Her focus includes driving the digitisation of small business and ensuring tax law keeps pace with evolving business practices.

She has been appointed to various Government reference groups including the Black Economy Taskforce, the Board of Taxation's review of small business tax concessions, the Australian Taxation Office's Small Business Stewardship Group, the Modernisation of Business Registries Business Advisory Group, and the Shadow Economy Business Advisory Group.

Prior to joining CA ANZ, Susan held senior tax positions in the Big Four accounting firms and an ASX50 company. She also has extensive experience in the public sector, working at Commonwealth Treasury in the Revenue division conducting consultations, guiding the drafting of legislation and its passage through Parliament, and advising the Assistant Treasurer.

Susan has a Bachelor of Economics, a Master of Laws and a Masters of Management.

All members are requested to register themselves for the event. A zoom link will be sent to the registered email after event booking.
