Membership Types

Full Membership

Provides full access to participate and attend all events organized by the Chapter and be connected with other members via Whats app groups and Chapter Mobile App.

Special Membership

Following list of people will be provided 50% off on membership.

  • ICAI members above 65 years of age
  • ICAI members who are based in Sydney and are currently out of work force for at least 2 months
    (this will be evaluated on a case to case basis by the management committee)

Deferred Membership

New migrants to Sydney, can avail the full benefit of all Chapter activities by enrolling as a chapter member with a deferral of membership fee payment up to 3 months.

New Mom’s or to be Mom’s

We understand you have an exciting journey/times ahead. As part of our support and love, the expectant and new mom’s, during the tenure of membership, can avail a 50% off on their membership fee.

Gift a Membership

Nurture the confidence and self-belief of an aspiring ICAI member, by gifting the membership.

Representative office membership

ICAI members who are based in Australia, and have only representative office without any established chapter can enroll with Sydney chapter, for a nominal fee (AUD 9), until the Chapter is established in their respective city. Once the chapter is established, the Sydney Chapter membership will be ceased.


ICAI Sydney Chapter strives to create various platforms that encourage growth and widen networks within the finance, tax and accounting community in Sydney
