Strategic Partners
CPA Australia

CPA Australia has a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) with ICAI. Through the AICAI in Sydney, members gain recognition as a valued CPA through their membership pathway programs. AICAI’s partnership with CPA Australia is demonstrated by the staging of professional events at CPA Australia’s Sydney office in Harrington Street in Central Business District. This partnership signifies the brand reputation between both accounting bodies in serving a wider professional community. Since last year, AICAI has welcomed non-ICAI qualified CPA members to join the Chapter to build the cross functional knowledge base within accounting profession. It is a privilege for ICAI through its overseas chapters in Australia in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane as well as for CPA Australia to work together for the professional good of members of the both institute recognising the strong Australia-India economic relationships.

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ)

ICAI has a long-standing partnership with CA ANZ and the relationship/ collaboration of both institutes began over a decade ago with the signing of our first Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in July 2009, with the then Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia (ICAA). This MOU was renewed in September 2021 for a period of three years.

The objective of the current MOU is to mutually recognise the Education Qualification and Mentored Practical Experience of both bodies and admit the members in good standing by prescribing a bridging mechanism. To enable ICAI members to secure membership, CA ANZ has designed an International Pathway Program (IPP). ICAI members living in Australia and New Zealand can apply for this program. Australian - Sydney Chapter of ICAI (AICAI) has been instrumental in making this reciprocal arrangement successful as ICAI members can obtain CA ANZ membership as well as gain recognition for their ICAI qualification as soon as they settle in Australia. This will significantly enhance the job opportunities for ICAI members and will enable them to become part of a growing number of finance and accounting professionals in Australia. Further, CA ANZ members are also welcome to become professional associates of AICAI Chapter members and can attend over 40 events per year that the Chapter is hosting for their members. This is truly an incredible opportunity for members of both institutes to increase their networking and benefit from the rich programs that they offer. Both institutes are committed to developing further mutual recognition opportunities to enhance this relationship and provide more value to their members.
