New Migrants

Welcome to Sydney!

Australia is a diverse and multicultural society, and we are glad that you have made the right choice. Australia offers a perfect work-life balance and a great career opportunity. However, whenever someone decides to migrate to Australia, he/she may not necessarily be thinking of the cultural and economic hurdles one could potentially face.

From language barriers to difficulty maintaining relationships, new migrants can experience a variety of emotions in a variety of situations. It is no secret that moving to any country can trigger bouts of homesickness. At times, it can be confusing and overwhelming to leave behind what you know and immerse yourself in an entirely new culture. The most important thing to keep in mind as a new migrant is that everyone has to go through this initial trouble in a new host country and you are not an exception. Going through the emotions are all a part of settling into your new home.

With this in mind, here at the Australian (Sydney) Chapter of ICAI we have formed a sub-committee headed by CA Ravi Sood who with his team of volunteers will look after the interest of new migrants and ensure that they assimilate with the local culture and get the right opportunity and the correct information. Ravi and his team are here to make you feel homely and do their best to support you in your settlement.

Considering the initial settling issues that an immigrant had to go through, the chapter offers a special membership to new migrants where they can join the Chapter immediately and defer their fees by three months or until they secure a job. You just need to pay a token contribution of $1 at the time of registration and the balance fee is payable within three months.

This gives the new migrants an excellent opportunity to become a part of the Chapter, attend all events from day one and meet members of our fraternity and start networking. The chapter also organises workshops and orientation sessions for new migrants which gives a perfect headway to settle in the new country. However, this offer is available only once you are in Sydney.

Thanks to the contribution and input from other members, the committee has developed a welcome pack for New Migrants which provides a one-stop shop information about what to do and what not to do once you are on shore. I am sure you will find this pack very useful. Please visit the welcome pack section for more details.

Please select JOIN US below to become a member of the Chapter.

Looking forward to meeting you at the upcoming events of the Chapter and welcoming you to Sydney.

Kind Regards

CA Samir Mehta
Australian (Sydney) Chapter of ICAI

Support Team

  • CA Ravi Sood (Mobile 0401 138 402)
  • CA Priya Kannan
  • CA Ritesh Lekhak
  • Contact: 1800 15 08 047
  • Email: [email protected]